Hey There!
Welcome to my blog. My name is Maurene. I’m often asked why did I start this blog. I have to say it was because I found myself in a position I never thought I would be in. You see a few years ago my mom was diagnosed with Dementia. Ok… I know she repeats things… who doesn’t tell the same story over and over again. I know I do. But it became more than that.
Turning Point
Things started to change like finding keys in the freezer and meat in the kitchen drawer. ( I kept sniffing around..what is that smell!) It came to a point where she couldn’t be left alone. Now I’m faced with a decision. Do I put her in an old folks home (that’s what we used to call it) I mean Assisted-Living (such a kinder and gentler name) or do I become her caregiver. I gave it some thought… after all I was starting a new career myself as a Special Education teacher and my schedule was flexible.
My mom would leave the house sometimes just to go for a walk other times because the people on the tv would tell her to leave. I knew when she left because I would get an alert on my phone whenever the door opened. Then I got the phone call. A neighbor saw her far from home and she was confused and didn’t know her way back. That was enough for me. I resigned my job and became a full-time caregiver to my mom. I jumped into a new job role with no interview, and no prior experience.
You Did What?
I gave up my career to become a full-time caregiver to my mom. I gotta tell you I didn’t know what I was in for. The crying, frustration, anger, guilt, resentment, stress, distress, fear, resistance. Sleepless nights and endless days. Why me!
What am I doing! I was drowning…drowning in my own self-pity. That’s when the light bulb came on for me. While I was having my pity party I wasn’t thinking about my mom. She’s the one with the disease. I realized I had to flip the script… I had to change my way of dealing.
Ah Hah!
I started reading all I could about Dementia and more importantly learning how to take care of myself while taking care of mom. As a caregiver often times we forget about our own well-being. Our every thought is about their safety and how they are doing. But we need care too. Through this platform I want to help you navigate through the roller coaster of emotions, and share what I’ve learned about Dementia and how to deal with it to become a better person for yourself and the person you’re caring for with knowledge and laughter. Some of the things we go through only someone in a similar situation will understand. So here we are!
A Caregiver’s Journey
This blog is a creation of love for you and the person you’re caring for. We give so much of ourselves but we don’t have to give UP on ourselves.
So have a look around and feel free to share your story. I’d love to hear it.
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.
Peace and Blessings,
Taking Care of Mom and Me
This is so me! But I still have to run my business and teach my courses Even though they are evergreen, I still interact with my students.